Feb 28, 2019, 3:43 PMGeorge de Souza

First Baptism at Reading West Church for 2019

The Reading West Adventist church celebrated its first baptism service on Sabbath 19 January 2019. The three baptismal candidates had studied diligently for over a year before making a public declaration and commitment of their love for Christ through baptism.

The candidates were Timothy Suubi Graham, Joel Douglin Okello, and Benesha Nsaiju. The baptism was conducted by Pastor Trevor Thomas and assisted by Elder Sindile Mabena, a member of Reading West church and a pastoral student at Newbold College.

Elder Sindile was the speaker for the Ten Days of Prayer between 9-19 January and spoke each evening drawing church members and visitors to a closer and deeper relationship with Jesus.

Non-Adventist family and friends attending, some of whom had never seen a baptism before, commented that it was a wonderful experience to listen to the Bible readings, sing familiar favourite songs, and listen to the testimonies of family members as each candidate was baptised.

This was indeed a joyous day in Reading West and also heaven as Christ and His angels celebrated over these precious souls.