Dr Kirk Thomas Energises London Ghana Church with Go SEC Vision
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Mar 14, 2024, 8:25 AMRubina Fosua Arthur

Dr Kirk Thomas Energises London Ghana Church with Go SEC Vision

In an energetic and charismatic atmosphere, the President of the South England Conference, Dr Kirk Thomas, shared the Go SEC Inspire for Mission evangelism vision at the London Ghana Seventh-day Adventist Church (SDA) Church on the 9th of March 2024.

Draped in his newly acquired traditional batakari or fugu, graciously presented as a welcome gift, Dr Thomas expressed his appreciation for the warm reception, feeling "exceptional" to be embraced so warmly.

Charging his audience in an extraordinary manner, he bounced up and down the pulpit full of the holy ghost fire and enthusiasm to deliver the Go SEC, Inspire for Mission evangelism goal and highlighted the need for the lost in the communities not to be forgotten.

Whether deliberate or coincidental, given Dr Thomas’ physical stature, he cited Jesus’ encounter with Zacchaeus, a man described as short, in the book of Luke, emphasising how this encounter caused Zacchaeus to change his life for the better. “Jesus always looks beyond our faults and our needs”, Dr Thomas drew the attention of those present. But in order to save Zacchaeus, Dr Thomas remarked, “Jesus had to go where he was”.

Amidst the backdrop of Dr Thomas’ visit to London Ghana, was the 67th anniversary of Ghana’s independence from British rule and a cultural day organised by the children’s ministry was in full swing to display a colourful and refreshing representation of the many different cultural backgrounds of the people present at the church and in East London as a whole.

Various debates have taken place in recent years as to the legitimacy of so-called ‘monoethnic’ churches existing within the SEC and BUC, however, with the SEC President announcing that London Ghana has been selected as one of the host centres for the upcoming SEC revival camp meeting from the 20th to the 27th July, this year, it is evident that unifying every type of church is at the heart of Go SEC, Inspire for Mission!