Death of Pastor Roy Burgess
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Nov 23, 2023, 4:05 PMJacquelyn Johnson, BUC Secretariat

Death of Pastor Roy Burgess

We are saddened to learn of the death of Pastor Roy Burgess, who passed away on 12 November 2023 following a long battle with a neurological condition. Pastor Burgess was born in Watford on 14 June 1926, and he spent his early years at Parkgate, Callowland, the Stanborough Schools, and Leggatts Ways Senior Boys' School.

He entered denominational employment on 30 September 1942, serving as a general hand at Granose Foods Ltd and then as a baker until April 1948. He decided to study for the ministry at Newbold College in the same year. He completed four years of theological study before graduating in 1952 with a BA in Theology. In August of the same year, he married his sweetheart, Sheila Coppock, at the Stanborough Park church and their union was blessed with the births of Elaine and David.

Subsequently, Pastor Burgess accepted the call to ministry in the South England Conference (SEC) to begin his internship in the Cornwall, Edmonton, and London districts.

Following his ordination at the SEC Conference Session in 1957, Pastor Burgess was assigned to serve the Southampton, Portsmouth and Gloucester districts. He later accepted the call to the Irish Mission serving in Dublin and Portadown, then was called to the Welsh Mission to serve as a minister and MV sponsor in the Newport and Shrewsbury districts. Pastor Burgess returned to the South England Conference in January 1976, where he completed 44 years of dedicated and enthusiastic service until his retirement in September 1991.

We extend our deepest condolences to Sheila, Elaine and David, brother Reg, sister Ruth, sister-in-law Cath and their families with caring thoughts and prayers.

The funeral will occur on 6 December, 2023, at the Stanborough Park Seventh-day Adventist church, starting at 11:00 am.

We look forward to Christ's soon return on that glorious resurrection day.