Come Dine With Me
pastor sam davies with hackney church 1

Apr 23, 2019, 11:41 AMDarell J. Philip

Come Dine With Me

South England Conference Communications Director, Pastor Sam Davies was guest speaker at the Hackney Seventh-Day Adventist Church on Sabbath 9th March 2019. The Communications Director was highly complementary of Hackney’s community ministries and outreach endeavors and of the coverage of these in the local press – notably the Anti-Knife and Gun Crime March in partnership with representatives from all of Hackney’s diverse faith groups along with the Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Hackney.

In his message – Come Dine with Me – Pastor Davies illustrated through the parable of the wedding feast (found in Matthew 22:1-14) the ways in which Christ tries to reach us and how we can often miss out because of our misplaced priorities. He said: “There are things in life that we make a priority more than our loyalty to the King. God constantly calls us to come and some with Him but often we make our own affairs stop us from accepting His invitation. We must have a relationship with God ourselves.”

Pastor Davies concluded his message by encouraging the church to sup with Jesus and extend the invitation to those in the community to sup at the Master’s table also. He said: “Without social mingling we cannot grow churches. The big lunch initiative reaches out to people in the community, those who are alienated and considered the outcasts of society. Millions benefit. As a Church we should be doing the same. If God came to save the good and the bad, we should not label anyone.”

Hackney’s Pastor – Joojo Bonnie, who was a Pathfinder under Pastor Davies leadership and his and his father (Pastor Bonnie Snr) who was at one time Pastor Davies Church Pastor, thanked the Communications Director for his ministry in and support of Hackney and confessed that he looked up to the humble man of God as an older brother.