Central London Church Baptisms: Powerful Testimonies and a touch of Hollywood
Central London Church baptisms Candidates with those who helped them Melissa and Eli 1

Jul 5, 2023, 2:52 PMLaia Pla Aguilar (CLC Communications Director) and Pastor Colin StewartLondon

Central London Church Baptisms: Powerful Testimonies and a touch of Hollywood

The power of the Holy Spirit was clearly felt on the 24th June as three precious souls gave their hearts to Jesus in Baptism and full commitment.

CLC (Central London Church) was full of members, regular attendees, and well wishers as well as many others who joined the online service as Simon, Izabella, and Serene, gave full evidence of their new life as disciples of Christ and were baptised.

Simon, a former politician, media commentator, and author had been attending CLC for a number of months before he reached out to Pastor Colin by email to enquire about baptism. Pastor Stewart picks up the story…

“When Simon reached out to me by email, I wasn’t sure who he was but I replied to him straight away and asked if I could come and visit him to discuss this. He immediately replied to me with a yes, and so the studies started soon after that.

Pastor Colin goes on to say, “I was impressed at Simon’s desire to learn more about the Adventist Message.” We started to study every week and Simon never missed a study. I could see he was serious about learning how to be a Christian, and hungry for the Word and happy at finding Jesus and His Church.” Simon commenting on his Baptism said, “I feel relieved, excited, and happy, as well as more connected, attached, and part of this Church Family than ever before.

Asked how he would describe his journey so far, he says, “I have always been quite a spiritual person but was never baptised before as for most British people its quite unusual to be baptised as most are normally baptised at an early age. He went on to say, “I’ve been to many different churches over the years but never the Adventist church until I was introduced to the Church through my partner Claudine and through her I have gotten more engaged to the church and as a result started attending the Central London Church on a regular basis.”

He says, of the Sabbath family service, “I particularly love the 11:15 program and the way its conducted and how welcoming and happy the church is and for me this makes a big difference. I’m loving the journey so far.”

Asking the questions to Simon was Laia who is only two years into her own journey as an Adventist. She asked him, if he was ready for the Devil to attack, as this normally happens after baptism? Simon’s response was, “I feel a greater sense of attachment to the church now, I feel more commitment and resilience for when that comes. We continue to pray for Simon and the other new members of CLC.

The second candidate, Izabella started attending CLC over three years ago and briefly returned to her native Poland during the COVID times but returned to the UK in 2022 and promptly re started attending CLC. After a sermon one Sabbath, she approached Pastor Colin requesting baptism. Pastor Colin said, “I could see the joy and seriousness in her eyes for that decision of baptism.”

Later Izabella was introduced to family life leader, Melissa who prepared her for baptism by giving her bible studies. Izabella says on the day of her Baptism, “I was so nervous, I was not expecting to see so many people at my baptism, I felt all the emotions in the service. I am really happy now that I have been baptised and enjoyed all the warm words from my new family.

Laia, CLC Communications Director asked her, “If you could describe your baptism in a few words what would be it be?” Izabella replied, it would be, “Wow,” a Magical experience…” Izabella attended the baptism with her boyfriend, with her family in Poland watching the service online. Izabella is committed and remains excited in her new found faith in Christ.

Serene, the other British person to be baptised is a live-wire individual and so full of life. Her unique story begins with her receiving a copy of the Great Controversy while walking in a London park and after striking up conversation with Eli Goree an Adventist Hollywood actor on a working visit to the capital. He was reading the book and stopped to feed the ducks, when they struck up conversation, Serene enquired of the book he was reading and then promptly asked him if she could get a coy of the book?

Eli promised that he would get her a copy. He reached out to his friend, Dwayne who attends the CLC church and he drove to CLC to get a copy of the Great Controversy for Serene and she started reading the book as soon as she got it. In her words, “I couldn’t put the book down and I read all the chapters. I was amazed at what the book had to say and I had this feeling that God was leading me to His Church.

After Serene finished the book, she started looking for a Church, googled and ended up finding the Central London Church. Serene reached out to Pastor Colin and requested baptism.

Pastor Colin met with Serene and started bible studies every week. Eli, kept in touch with Serene at each stage of her development and was very encouraging to her as she grew in faith. When the day for her baptism came, Eli heard about it and decided to fly into London from the USA for her baptism and he shared this amazing testimony of God’s working in the baptismal service.

Through his witness Serene went all the way to baptism. The Holy Spirit is leading in the life of this special young lady. Serene has not missed a prayer meeting since she connected with CLC. Please pray that God will continue to order her steps.

We give God all the praise for three precious souls added to church by baptism as well as two more, husband and wife, Berenice and Julio from Peru, who were brought into membership at CLC through Profession of Faith. Truly this was a high day in CLC and Zion.