Celebrating Women of Faith: Highlights from the first St Austell Church Women's Retreat
Celebrating Women of Faith 5

Apr 17, 2024, 9:59 AMCynthia Hatton

Celebrating Women of Faith: Highlights from the first St Austell Church Women's Retreat

From the 12th to the 14th of April, 2024, the serene and picturesque Northcott Farm in Bude became the gathering place for Adventist women of faith from near and far. With hearts eager for spiritual rejuvenation and minds open to divine revelations, women from our local church embarked on a journey of fellowship, prayer, and testimonies at the inaugural edition of our Women's Retreat, themed "Women of Faith."

From the moment the retreat began, it was evident that the Holy Spirit was at work, guiding and uplifting each attendee. As the sun cast its warm glow over the tranquil landscape, women gathered in circles, sharing stories of faith, resilience, and triumph. Laughter mingled with tears as bonds of sisterhood were forged, uniting us in our common journey of faith.

The theme "Women of Faith" resonated deeply with each participant, serving as a reminder of the strength and courage inherent in every woman who walks the path of righteousness. Through thought-provoking sessions and engaging workshops, we explored the power of faith to overcome obstacles, to sustain us in times of trial, and to lead us to greater heights in our spiritual journey.

Prayer became the cornerstone of our time together, as women lifted their voices in unison, seeking guidance, healing, and renewal. The echoes of heartfelt supplications reverberated throughout the farm, creating an atmosphere charged with the presence of the Divine.

Upon arrival on Friday, women went to the beach for swimming for physical fitness and later in the evening they welcomed the Sabbath with singing of hymns, and the Pastor’s wife, Esther Akinola delivered a devotional on women of faith, using Matthew 15:21-28 as her text, and this was rapped up with prayer session. Sabbath worship was the peak of this retreat. Sabbath school and divine service were spirit-filled.

The church Pastor, Caleb Akinola was available for questions and answers on Sabbath evening. Jessica Hatton-Hicks prepared a table before us of varieties of food and fruits for our Sabbath dinner.

Testimonies abound during our retreat, as women stood before their sisters, baring their souls and sharing the miracles that God had wrought in their lives. From stories of healing and deliverance to tales of answered prayers and divine interventions, each testimony served as a beacon of hope and encouragement to all who listened.

In a beautiful display of unity and inclusivity, we were joined by four women from the Birmingham SDA Church, who brought their unique perspectives and experiences to enrich our retreat. Their presence served as a reminder that the bonds of sisterhood transcend geographical boundaries and denominational affiliations, uniting us as one body in Christ.

As the sun set on the final day of our retreat, hearts were full, spirits were uplifted, and souls were renewed. Though our time together may have come to an end, the memories and blessings of our Women's Retreat will continue to inspire and empower us in the days and weeks to come.
As we bid farewell to Northcott Farm, we do so with a deep sense of gratitude to God for His presence among us and for the opportunity to celebrate the incredible women of faith in our midst. May we carry the lessons learned and the memories shared with us as we continue our journey, ever striving to be Women of Faith, shining brightly in a world in need of hope and love.