Feb 14, 2019, 4:13 PMNorma Borrett

Celebrating a Lowestoft Baptism

On 22 December 2018, members of the Lowestoft Adventist church, along with friends of the Joe family, braved wintry weather to see high school student Jie-né Joe make a public declaration of her faith in Jesus Christ through baptism.

Jie-né requested baptismal classes a year ago and faithfully attended weekly lessons with Pastor Mark Borrett, accompanied by her mother Esther, whose commitment overcame long, often challenging, school and work days to attend consistently. So it was, with deepest gratitude, that Mr and Mrs Joe witnessed the fruit of much sacrifice, prayer and preparation ‒ the baptism of their eldest daughter.

Rain could not dampen the joy of the occasion, nor could the disruption at the airports that caused travel delays and the diversion of Mr Joe's flight, as he returned from work in the Caribbean. Prayers were answered, with his safe and timely arrival.

Mrs Joe opened vespers with a reading from John chapter 10, followed by Pastor Borrett's uplifting message on the 'Abundant Life' that brings peace, assurance and security such that no-one can snatch God's children out of His hands. The baptism service was concluded with a heartfelt saxophone solo.

Afterwards, family and guests celebrated with light refreshments, as they welcomed the newly-baptised, newest member of Lowestoft Adventist church.