Bristol Central Celebrates Multicultural Day
bristol celebrates multicultural day 2019 2

Apr 11, 2019, 1:37 PMIan Sabadin (Pictures - Michael Brown)

Bristol Central Celebrates Multicultural Day

On Sabbath 30 March, Bristol Central church was packed to capacity, as the church celebrated its cultural diversity, with a Multicultural Day.

Representatives from 28 nations helped celebrate the day, as the church came together as 'one in Christ', including those from Ghana, India, Hungary, Mexico, Jamaica, St Lucia, Romania, England, Zambia, Barbados Zimbabwe, Nigeria, Guyana, Malawi, Kenya, South Africa, Italy, Mauritius, Angola, Brazil, Cameroon, and Uganda, among others.

The atmosphere during the congregational singing during the mid-morning song service was uplifting, as song leader Stephen Makore, lead the rousing singing and called on different nationalities to sing verses of hymns such as Heir of the Kingdom and Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross in their own language, the rest of the church then joined in the chorus. There were big smiles on everyone's faces, as they lifted their voices in unison in praise to God.

A highlight of the Family Worship service was when representatives of each nation came up to the front of the church with their country's flag and took part in an international multilingual prayer of blessing. The church was hushed, as each person prayed in their own language, and the power of the Holy Spirit was felt drawing the church closer together.

The Family Worship service also saw special items performed by the Zambians, Romanians and Ghanaians, all of which received a loud 'Amen' from the congregation.

For the morning message, local pastor, Royston Smith preached on being transformed by the renewing of our minds, by our relationship with God. He emphasised the battle going on for our minds, and that all the education, wealth or class, which in this world can be used to divide us, means nothing when we are one in Christ. It is then that although we are many members, we are part of one body, and all can use their gifts as God has blessed them.

After a magnificent and very tasty international cuisine lunch, the afternoon programme saw more groups perform through songs, skits, and special items. The atmosphere was one of joy, celebration, unity and combined worship to our God who made us all different, but 'one in Christ'.