Breaking News: SEC Executive Committee Makes New Elections
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Apr 25, 2024, 10:54 PMDr Kirk Thomas, SEC President

Breaking News: SEC Executive Committee Makes New Elections

I am pleased to inform you of a few directorial appointments at the SEC. Two of our directors recently accepted the call to serve at the British Union Conference. Pastor Max McKenzie-Cook, former Stewardship and Diversity director at the SEC, is now the new Associate Executive Secretary at the BUC. Dr Augustus Lawrence, who carried the portfolio of Stewardship Director, is now the BUC Evangelism Director. Jacqueline Otokpa, former Women’s and Possibility Director of the SEC, has moved on to do missionary ministry.

We thank these leaders for their brilliant service to the membership of our constituency over the years. We wish them and their families every blessing and success in their future leadership roles.

On Sunday, 21st April 2024, the SEC Executive Committee met and, among other important matters, elected the following individuals to fill these vacancies and a few additional positions that were not filled at the last Conference session. The names and positions are below:

Pastor Alexandru Mareniuc has been voted the new Stewardship director and will continue to be the Jewish ministry sponsor. He will now relinquish his role as the pastor of the Chatham, Maidstone and Riverway churches on an agreed-upon date.

Sister Anastacia Ross was voted as the new Women’s Ministry director. She works at the BUC supporting the Evangelism Department and is excited to take up this new challenge. As educators, spiritual ambassadors, and people interested in developing young people and women, we all have confidence that God will continue to bless this department.

Pastor Seth Adjare will assume the role of Prison Ministries sponsor in addition to pastoring the Worthing and Brighton & Hove congregations. In addition to his qualifications as a Pastor, he is a trained social worker and Police Chaplain. Let’s pray for him as he selects a team to work with him.

The Executive Committee has selected Brother Dwight Johns to be the Music director for the South England Conference. Dwight is fully qualified to degree level in music and is well known in the Adventist circle for his musical ability, affability, leadership skills and humility. His youthfulness will be an asset as we seek to engage and re-engage our youth in the activities of the Church.

Pastor Steve McKenzie was selected to continue as the Property Development director. A new mandate and strategic framework will help this department continue its crucial role in the SEC. We must look after and manage the assets God has given us. We believe this department will exceed our expectations under God’s guidance.

The Executive Committee also asked Brother Paul Lee to serve as Director of Adventist Radio London. Although he has been ably managing the radio station for a few years, we would like to appoint him to this role formally. He is one of the most committed people in this ministry. This evangelistic asset can only grow as we continually explore new ways of reaching people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

We are working on a comprehensive programme for Possibility Ministries and will update you shortly.

Please join us in fervent prayer for these newly appointed people so that God may richly bless their work within the SEC and enable them to fulfil Christ’s given mission.