Baptism Joy At Central London
Baptism at Central2

May 14, 2024, 3:33 PMCentral London Seventh-day Adventist Church Communications

Baptism Joy At Central London

It was with great joy that two precious souls gave their heart to Jesus at Central London Church on the 27th April in the main divine service.

The two candidates, Salvatore and Tonia have been attending Central London church for over a year and each in their own way have made a good impact.

Tonia grew up in an Adventist Family and came over to the UK to pursue her studies. Tonia’s parents flew over from Canada to witness her smiling face at the baptism and show their love and support. Of course, Tonia was overjoyed to have family present on her special day. Her new church family at Central London were just as excited to receive her into fellowship. We are excited to see how God will use this young lady in His faith.

Salvatore an Italian was introduced to the faith through his fiancé Vesper. Salvatore, a professional Chef has been looking forward to the day of his baptism from the time he began attending Central London and he quickly became a popular and likeable attendee. He was full of smiles and emotion as he testified in the pool of the goodness of Jesus. He was received warmly into fellowship by the Church.

After the baptism the new members were joined by former baptised members, Natalia, and Simon who presented their gifts on behalf of the whole Church family. All the Elders and Pastor Colin also joined and greeted them extending the right hand of fellowship.

We wish them every blessing for the future.