Area 6A Unites Community with ‘Pray & Play on The Green’ Event in Tottenham
Area 6A Pray and Play Prayer for a family in Brazil

Aug 25, 2024, 6:22 AMMaxine Donovan, Area 6A Prayer Coordinator

Area 6A Unites Community with ‘Pray & Play on The Green’ Event in Tottenham

Area 6A members, their families, friends and people living in the community converged on The Green, opposite the Tottenham Lighthouse Church, on Sunday, 18 August from 1 – 5pm, for the LAAC sponsored event, ‘Pray & Play on The Green.’ The sun was shining brightly and people were in high spirits as the Area 6A Team engaged with them, prayed with them and guided them to the various services available.

The event started unofficially at 12:30pm when the Pathfinders from Holloway, Enfield, Wood Green and Tottenham Lighthouse marched from Seven Sisters along West Green Road and into The Green. The sound of the drums attracted people’s attention. After their arrival on The Green, the official Opening Ceremony began with Welcome by Sis Maxine Donovan, Area 6A Prayer Coordinator; Opening Prayer by Sis Linda Asare, SEC Prayer Coordinator; Opening Remarks by Elder Janette Joseph, Tottenham Lighthouse and finally Councillor Michelle Simmons-Safo who brought greetings from Haringey Council and officially opened the event. Councillor Simmons-Safo, who had to travel overseas the next day, was full of admiration for the work done by the Seventh-day Adventist Church. She described the church as the ‘salt of the earth’ which demonstrated ‘love in action’ by not being insular and preaching to the converted, but meeting the needs of the community. At the end of ‘Play & Pray on The Green, the Closing Prayer was said by Dr Stephen Agilinko, Pastor of the West Green Road Baptist Church.

The main focus of ‘Pray & Play on The Green’ was to engage with the community by offering prayers, books and other spiritual literature. This went on throughout the day. Persons were not only prayed for on the spot, but they had the opportunity to write their prayer requests on the scroll or place their requests into the Prayer Box. Each person visiting the Prayer Table was provided with a tote bag which had written on it, ‘Rejoice Always, Pray Without Ceasing. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-17. Inside the tote bag were a small hardcover notebook with the same message printed on the cover as on the tote bag, a pen and a wristband with ‘Pray Always’ printed on them. The tote bag were graciously received and used to carry books and other literature received. Even while we were setting up in the morning, people stopped by and got books, including an Italian family who also wanted to see the local church and was taken across the road to Tottenham Lighthouse. At the end of the day there was not one Bible left.

To attract the community, other activities were planned. We had 5-minute sessions every hour of keep fit with Oscar, a member of the community; health talks and the ‘Big Sing’. In addition to the bite-sized sessions, there were health checks offered by a doctor and nurse; Bowel Cancer Awareness by representatives from West Hertfordshire NHS Trust, the pathfinders demonstrated how to set up a tent, creative art and crafts table, face painting and a bouncy castle.

It was heart-warming to see the diversity of the people who came seeking spiritual help and to join in the activities. Two sisters, whose father is a Pastor in Pakistan, sang a song in Urdu during the ‘Big Sing’. A young man in his 20s came seeking prayer and counselling. We had not advertised counselling as a service, but Elder Sandra Martelly a trained counsellor and a prayer warrior was available. He later was recorded on video saying the counselling he received was priceless and he was so thankful that he came.

Other favourable comments were made. Elder Alex Dhlakama, Area 6C Prayer Coordinator wrote, ‘... It was nice to see members of the public engage so well...I think we need a lot more of this kind of event. Well done 6A.’ Marian, a Roman Catholic and a great supporter of the work done by Tottenham Lighthouse, ran the Creative Art & Crafts table. She wrote, ‘... it was such a long time since I had seen so many happy people with beautiful smiles together. It was good to see the young Jewish family joining in the fun.’ Bobby Carr, Hampstead who organised the .Big Sing’ wrote... I learnt a lot from sharing this experience with you all ... Hopefully we have learned something in Area 6A that can be developed and shared with the SEC for the future!’

Thanks to all who participated to make the day a success. Special thanks to God for giving us the vision, wisdom, and resources, including gifted people, to undertake and deliver Pray & Play on The Green. We continue to strive to do the best for our Lord claiming His promise found in Galatians 6:9, ‘And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.’