Area 4 Families gather at Maidstone Church for SEC Family Service
Area 4 Families gather for SEC Family Service in Maidstone 9

May 14, 2024, 4:28 PMPastor Rio Espulgar

Area 4 Families gather at Maidstone Church for SEC Family Service

On the 11th of May, the South England Conference (SEC) directors conducted a special service for Area 4, centered around the theme of families. The event was blessed with delightful weather, adding to the overall warmth and enthusiasm of the day. Held at the Maidstone Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) Church, the service was a vibrant occasion characterized by heartfelt singing, insightful learning, and deepened commitment to family values.

The day began with Pastor Alex Mareniuc extending a warm and cordial welcome to the congregation, which included members from various churches within the area. His opening remarks set a positive tone for the event, highlighting the importance of unity and fellowship among the attendees.

The highlight of the service was the sermon delivered by Pastor Jojo Bonnie. His message focused on the biblical story of Abraham and Sarah, emphasizing their journey and the trials they faced. Pastor Bonnie recounted how Abraham and Sarai experienced significant hardships when they failed to patiently wait for God's promise to be fulfilled. Instead of placing their trust in God, they relied on their own understanding and abilities, leading to considerable problems. Despite their missteps, God’s faithfulness remained unshaken. He rescued them from their troubles and reassured Abraham of His unwavering loyalty. The sermon conveyed a powerful lesson: although we may make wrong choices and face consequences, God's faithfulness and loyalty never waver.

Following the worship service, the congregation transitioned into a series of breakout sessions designed to address contemporary issues facing families. These sessions provided a platform for in-depth discussions and practical guidance on a variety of topics. After the morning activities, a very nice lunch was provided by the church members. This time allowed members to relax, enjoy delicious food, and engage in meaningful conversations. The atmosphere was filled with joy and camaraderie, further strengthening the bonds within the church community.

After lunch, members moved to another breakout session, which continued the day's theme of family-focused discussions. The event was organized and led by a dedicated team of SEC directors, including Pastor Rio Espulgar, Judy Clements, Thembie Mapingeri, Devon Boyd, Pastor Jojo Bonne and Pastor Alex Mareniuc.