Are you Ready? Hackney SDA Church Day of Prayer
Hackney SDA Prayer Room 2

Jun 6, 2023, 10:54 AMDarell J. Philip, PR & Communications AssistantLondon

Are you Ready? Hackney SDA Church Day of Prayer

Sabbath 3rd June 2023 was set aside as a day of prayer at the Hackney Seventh-Day Adventist Church. Throughout the day, those in attendance were asked the question – Are you Ready? in regard to sharing of the Gospel which will herald in the imminent return of Christ for His faithful children. Sabbath School superintendents, Vivian Nelson and Brenda Nelson, welcomed the congregation into an atmosphere fitting of the occasion with the corporate hymns, scripture reading and prayer sessions all reflective of the day’s theme. Illustrating the ineffectiveness of a smoke alarm without batteries to warn those in danger, children from the Junior Sabbath School likened this to those who fail to warn others of the need to be ready for the return of Christ and that such individuals are ineffective because of a lack of prayer and the Holy Spirit connection in their lives. The children came in with the question – Are you Ready? before leaving those with any doubts as to what the answer should be – “Be ready for Jesus” they said.

In his message, Effectual Fervent Prayer, guest speaker, Elder David Billet from the Croydon SDA Church testified of the many different ways God had looked out for him during his youth and then as an adult because of belonging to a home where he had praying parents which would later on influence in his servant-leadership of others towards building their own relationship with Christ. His rendition of the song, His Eye is on the Sparrow, was particularly moving in light of some of the challenges he and his family have continued to face and overcome because of God’s faithfulness, unconditional love and continued care of them.

Members and visitors were also given opportunities to testify of God’s goodness in their lives with 93-year-old Founder Member, Ann Williams, praising God for sparing her life during the pandemic after the Pastor and Elders had anointed and prayed for her along with many others around the globe during a time of illness. A special prayer room was set aside for members of the Hackney Prayer team to petition the throne of God on behalf of those who needed it.

Another guest speaker, Elder Rohail John from the London Asian SDA Church testified of a five-year battle with an issue of blood which God miraculously healed to the amazement of the medical personnel given responsibility for his care. “God is calling us to the next level in our prayer lives but in order to receive the answers we need, we must make room for the Spirit to work within our lives to bring about repentance leading to a changed heart and mind which puts the petitioner in a favourable position with God to then receive from Him,” said the recently ordained 22-year-old Elder.

Attendees were then charged to Arise and be the true ambassadors of Christ to the world they had been commissioned to be. Area 6C Prayer Ministries Coordinator, Alex Dhlakama admonished members to “consistently feed on the word of God and stand firm on the word of God, buckling it as a belt around your waist.”

Hackney’s Prayer Ministries Leader, Eileen Philip, commended the many members and visitors who had prayed and fasted throughout the day for their dedication and willingness to serve God and each other which would not have gone unnoticed by the one who is soon to return to earth.