All London Half Night of Prayer: Sharing the Love of Jesus
Anthony Opoku Mensah

Apr 4, 2024, 11:02 AMDarell J. Philip, London Area 6C Communications Coordinator

All London Half Night of Prayer: Sharing the Love of Jesus

Over 200 members were in attendance at the All London Half Night of Prayer which took place on Saturday 30th March 2024 from 7pm-1am via the online Zoom platform. Organised by the London Area Advisory Council (LAAC) the all night prayer session brought together Prayer Leaders, Pastoral Ministers and Members from across the four areas of London with the purpose of putting into practice the theme of Sharing the Love of Jesus. “As the disciples joined their weakness to God’s strength, we too are encouraged to do the same, in pressing forward towards the mark of the high calling in Christ Jesus,” encouraged the LAAC Coordinator, Pastor Anthony Opoku-Mensah.

Expounding on Zechariah 4, South England Conference President, Dr. Kirk Thomas told attendees that the fulfilment of the Gospel Commission mandated to all followers of Christ would be completed not by might or by power, but by the Holy Spirit of the Living God. He said: “It is the absence of the Holy Spirit which makes our work in spreading the Gospel to everyone so hard and difficult. The power of the Holy Spirit in our lives enables us to become the empty vessels God can pour out into and use to His name’s honour and glory. Adventists combining their brilliance with the power of the Holy Spirit will be a force of good in this world with mountains moved out of our way, yet we must always remember that while the effort belongs to us, true success ultimately belongs to God.”

Helia Mateus, a representative of the British Union Conference, promoted the diverse ways (sponsored walks, cake sales and concerts as examples) in which members could share the love of Jesus through the ADRA UK Annual Appeal, building upon the international partnerships and humanitarian aid which has already reached the likes of Zambia, India, Sri-Lanka, Nepal and Thailand as well as the Ukraine, Gaza air strip and the UK. In demonstrating compassion and care towards those in need, Mateus said: “It’s because of your support that we are able to lift people out of poverty and restore dignity in their lives.”

Throughout the duration of the All Night Prayer session, each London Area in turn were given an opportunity to not only report on how they have shared the love of Jesus in their district but also to pray for the empowering of God’s Holy Spirit in their lives for the completion of this work in reaching out to those living without hope until the imminent return of Christ. Members also testified of the power of prayer through illustrating the ways in which God intervened during critical moments in their lives in which help was sought after to keep their faith strong in the Lord. God’s saving of a member from road accident as well as a young man’s prayer life leading to the baptism of a non-believing housemate were just two such testimonies among the many which were shared during the session.

Among the invited guest speakers was South England Conference Prayer Ministries Director, Linda Asare, who said that like Peter and John, we may not have silver or gold but what we have is Jesus. “Take the name of Jesus with you and share His love with all you come into contact with because there is power in the name of Jesus to break every chain and we have been empowered by the Holy Spirit to fulfil the commission Christ has given us as His disciples,” she said. Elder Alex Dhlakama admonished all to Go and be inspired for Mission.