A Tribute and Synopsis of Katri's Life

Jul 20, 2023, 12:29 PMGeorge Scoon - Retired Pastor

A Tribute and Synopsis of Katri's Life

Katri – A War Orphan

Katri Sinikka was born a war orphan in Vaasa, Finland, on 1 July 1940. Her parents, August Uolevi Anttinen and Mirjam Kajankangas, got married, and shortly afterwards, her father 'August', went to war to defend his country (Finland) against the Russian Invasion. He was one of the first war officers killed in action by the Russians on 23 December 1939. As a result, Katri never saw or knew her father.

Not having a father in the home, Katri developed a solid bond with her mother, her grandparents with whom she spent much of her youthful years, and some of her cousins.

The Beginning of Katri's Missionary Journey

Katri was born and brought up in the Lutheran religious faith. From a very early age, Katri had a very intense, internal, and emotional desire to be a missionary when she grew up. From age six, she said, she repeatedly reminded her mum that she wanted to be a missionary.

Having completed the necessary training, Katri started her missionary journey by working as a kindergarten teacher in a school in Vaasa. She later became head (or principal) of that school. After some years as head of that school, Katri gave up that position and went to Toivonlinna College in Finland to train as a Bible Instructor. After two years at Toivonlinna, Katri left and went to Newbold College of Higher Education in England to continue her Bible instructor training. It was there we met and got married on 27 December 1980.

Whether it was during her work as a kindergarten teacher in Vaasa or after, I do not know. However, at some time, the governing body of the city of Vaasa took the decision. It set aside a small section of the children's playground of the school where Katri taught and placed a rowing boat filled with sand, with Katri's name written along its sides, where the children could play in remembrance of Katri.

Katri's Love For Others

Following the example of her Lord Jesus (Philippians 2:5), Katri loved others more than she loved herself. And I can safely say that she was loved by everyone who knew her.

Soon after we were married, one senior pastor: (I dare to mention his name as he has long since died), the late Pastor William Italla, said to me: "You have taken away one of the rising stars of the church in Finland." Another person told me, "You do not know what you are getting!" Those words meant a lot about the 'person and character of Katri'. But the thing that has impressed me most about other people's feelings towards Katri was that whenever I visited churches, and Katri was not with me, they would ask me, "Where is Mama? How is Mama?"

It spoke volumes to me, mainly because it came from people from various countries and cultural backgrounds.

Katri – A True Finn

Katri was a true Finn. Katri studied, lived, and worked in England for over 40 years as a Bible instructor: teaching, instructing, and guiding people, along their Christian pilgrimages physically! But mentally, Katri has always been in Finland.

Katri loved her country. Her final wish was to rest with her parents and grandparents in Vaasa. And so, she would.

NB Katri suffered two strokes at about 11:00 am on Friday, 19 May, from bleeding, clotted blood, and swelling on the brain, from which she never recovered. She died peacefully, later in a hospice, at 8:40 am on Thursday 15 June 2023.

Katri loved others. But she loved God above all else. And she lived her life the best way she knew how, through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, whom she accepted as her Saviour and Redeemer.

And now she rests in God through Jesus Christ: May she rest in peace.